This distinction is very important. In my opinion the Achilles heel in Gaylor's argument is that he fails to grasp this crucial distinction. He's right that artists have always plundered and salvaged ideas from that which came before, and in this film, Gaylor tries to illustrate point #1 of the manifesto by comparing the practice of remixing with that of the "ripping off" of blues tunes by successful classic rock acts. He sees a continuity there, but I think it is merely a superficial one, This is the one major flaw in an otherwise fascinating glimpse into the fascinating topic of remixing and mashups. In fact, this flaw doesn't invalidate the thesis of his argument much, but the error still must be underscored, I think. It's simply a really bad analogy to imply that a dejay's use of Led Zeppelin's iconic "Whole Lotta Love" riff is comparable to Jimmy Page's own use of Muddy Waters' tune "You Need Love" as the basis of his own creation of the tune in question. That argument completely overlooks the difference between the copyright of a composition and the copyright of a performance of the same composition.
As I listen to these synoptically like this, I find that I much prefer the older versions of both of these. They are more aesthetically pleasing in general, hands down. A short list of critical less-than-flattering observations about the later interpretations:
First, they are clearly derivative.
Second, the rock performances both have a certain frantic , awkward quality to them, they lack that laid-back nuanced vibe the the earlier ones had. It is as if they have been over-simplified, reduced to strident stick-figure renditions of the originals. Don't get me wrong; I
love Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones; I grew up on classic rock music: it was a pervasive part of the soundtrack of my adolescence. But as I A–B between these differing versions, the originals make the rock derivates seem like flashy shiny substitutes for nuance, like so much smoke and mirrors, the bombastic bravado of a mighty Oz behind a curtain somewhere. The primary figures of classic rock era cultivated this exaggerated sense of grandiosity, the larger-than-life mythos . It was part and parcel of the game they were playing. But at least Jimmy Page had to first learn how to play guitar, had to learn how to navigate a fingerboard. It is
his guitar making the sounds. Moreover, if you listen closely to what the two different men are playing, Page is not even replicating Waters' playing in any real way. The song remains the same, but the riffs he's using are all his own. But then, that's what the blues are! His riff is but an impression of Muddy's effect on him. So, in this sense, Gaylor is right that the past is ripe for our use, but he's absolutely wrong in calling this parallel in his defense of sampling.
If Page, as a working musician, charges to play on other people's recording sessions, why
shouldn't he charge those who would lift his playing from an existing recording to use it in their own commercial products. Some questions for DJ Whoever (DJW): Why can't he just take the time and make the effort to learn how to play the guitar? He'd be surprised at how little time will elapse before he can brave doing these kind of simplistic metal riffs. Or ... if that task is too daunting ... if he doesn't have the time for that .... Why doesn't he just then simply
hire a guitar player if he wants a rock guitar lick on his "creation"? If the answer to this question turns out to be upon reflection that
that particular Jimmy Page lick is iconic and instantly recognizable and that therefore no mere imitation would do, then that reasoning only would lessen DJW's "creativity" (I think) and instead reinforces the argument that Page's playing IS in fact something that is culturally valuable as its own entity. No? It is an indirect admission of the fact. Otherwise,
anyone playing that two chord riff would have sufficed. Right? Why does it
have to be Jimmy Page?
Girl Talk "performing" |
That's where the difference lies. The mash-up artist that the film focuses on is a man who goes by the name of Girl Talk. Girl Talk basically creates extended dance loops using samples spanning the history of modern pop music. It's not an uninteresting work, in that there are so many ways to manipulate the samples, to "flip them." He is a bold and talented young man in that respect. But, ultimately, I find in his finished product that same frantic, manic feeling that I described in the those derivative classic rock recordings mentioned above. It is a loop based music, and as such, is subject to the strictures that such a repetitive form require. There is no thematic development to speak of, no real rhythmic or harmonic variation. Eight bars of something go by . . . and they go by again . . . and again . . . each time accompanied slightly different, but still the same bars we heard previously. I can imagine it being very useful in bringing a crowds of post-hip-hop kids to a frenzied trance—this is useful—but, as music, it is just not very interesting to me beyond its technical novelty. The way he gets all into it adds to the annoyance. I mean ... the guy is looping rhythms and samples on a laptop. he acts like he's exerting a lot of energy. The illusion of dynamism goes a long way, I guess. I can certainly relate to the tribal feelings that arise from such chaotic propulsive music, I am no stranger to the dance-trance. This music does have a function. But there is so much more to music than irreverence, aplomb, and digital savvy.