
23 July 2005

22 July 2005

some interesting statistics

Posted by at 6:32 PM
In the U.S. 35% of people who profess catholic faith attend mass at least twice a month.

50% of all Américans read 0 books a year. (the vast majority of that half coincides more or less with the same constituency that voted for the incumbent in the last presidential election - I'd bet on it - laughs)

Church attendance in post-Cold War Russia is considerably higher than it is in the US and is increasing in the former proletariat population.
(to the delight, I'm sure, of Billy Graham and the other savagely anti-commie radical evangelicals).


ibara: river crossing

Posted by at 7:13 AM
Yesterday I got my copy of the Yoruba/SoulJazz release that I contributed a piece to in the mail. It's called Ibara: River Crossing

sounds and looks good . . .

click here for info and sound samples.


Sunday Movie Series

Posted by at 6:15 AM
Spellbound & Dali on Film:
Salvador Dali collaborated with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, from Hitchcock to Disney. Brady Roberts, the museum's curator of modern and contemporary art, will introduce the films.
Free (with admission)
Sun., July 31, 2 p.m.

Phoenix Art Museum

1625 North Central Avenue

02 July 2005

Posted by at 1:15 PM

Tuesday Morning
- watercolor and ink león © 2005

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